Take one step into Zachary's bedroom and you will quickly notice buckets and shelves filled to the brim with brightly colored baby toys. Head to the living room, and a wicker basket once used for clean laundry is now bursting with numerous Fisher Price Beatbo toys, trucks with buttons, and even a bright yellow minion that giggles and *ahem* farts. Our almost 8-year-old special needs little man can't get enough of toys with loud noises, music, and lights. I'm pretty confident we have gone through more batteries with Zachary's toys than probably all 3 of our other children combined!
Toys with obnoxious songs on repeat may drive you mad if you hang out in our living room for even 30 minutes. But to be quite honest, the music and noises have become the soundtrack of our home and we hardly notice it anymore. I really wouldn't trade it for anything. I've said it many times - who else is blessed with the gift of having a baby for almost 8 years?
I have been so excited to share with you our newest favorite toy for Zachary. There may have been a moment of tears when we turned it on after it arrived on our front step last month. It's absolutely perfect.
I should probably back up a little and explain a bit more. For those of you that don't know, our precious Zachary was born with Lowe Syndrome. He is very developmentally delayed, has many medical concerns and complications, and is mostly non-verbal. I wrote
this blog post on a day when I was reflecting on the lack of vocalizations from our boy. Thankfully at almost 8 years old, he's progressing and has sounds and mini-words we are starting to somewhat understand. And as you will see in a video below, God is taking those sounds and tiny words and using them to literally worship.
For the past couple of years, almost every night Zachary has fallen asleep to the music of
Scripture Lullabies. To hear God's Word beautifully sung over my fragile child as he falls asleep is nothing short of powerful. I'll never forget the evening we noticed he was trying to sing along! If you follow me on facebook you may remember this video that still brings tears to my eyes.
There was a comment on that Facebook video that has stuck with me to this day. I don't even remember who said it, but they said something like "Zachary probably understands more of God than we ever could." I sure do know that our loving Heavenly Father has had his arms wrapped around that kiddo since before day 1. It's SO very evident.

Okay back to this amazing purchase I made with Zachary's Christmas money. Meet the Scripture Lullabies TEDDY BEAR! You guys, I can hardly slow down enough to type without messing up I'm just so excited to tell you about this bear. This fluffy grey teddy bear plays Zachary's favorite songs - songs straight from the Word of God with the press of a button. AND, it has lights and music. We still grin ear to ear when see him with this bear. He LOVES it. Just like the album, those words are being sung over his medically delicate, physically and mentally delayed body. Words like "Be still and know that I am God." "He is watching over you. Ever faithful ever true." Come on! I just want to fall on my knees in worship. I need those sung over me every day, friends!

The details? This bear plays 6 Scripture Lullabies songs with a simple press of his right foot. Press the left foot and choose from 4 different nature sounds including a heartbeat. The right hand powers on/off and the left hand has low, medium, and high volume controls. The controls are super easy for Zachary to navigate all on his own. We've had stuffed animals before that make sounds but he typically isn't strong enough to turn them on by himself due to lack of strength. Thankfully he has no trouble with this bear. Maybe just as exciting is that this bear doesn't take batteries! The zipper in his back opens to a USB cable for easy charging - NO batteries. Hallelujah!
Visit the Scripture Lullabies website to check out all their music and get your own bear! (Zachary's favorite album is Hidden in my Hear Volume1)
Of course, we had to dress up Mr. Teddy Bear in a pair of Zachary's old glasses! :) I think the Scripture Teddy is going to be my new go-to baby shower gift.
Let me know if you get a
Scripture Lullabies Bear of your own! Check it out